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Old 16th October 2008, 21:05
Energumen Energumen is offline  
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 267
That is a very good point, and one would suppose that with the tecnological advancement in batteries nowadays, the weight to output ratio would be such that longer and slightly faster journies would be achievable. That coupled with low average traffic speeds in the Urban conurbations, seems to indicate a convergence of developments which gives credence to the wider re-introduction of said vehicles.

Mind you, the angle of the dangle, is governed by the push of the bush and the thrust of the bust on the retaining cups.
There are some schools of thought which advance the theory that what goes up, must come down and furthermore, as you rightly say, Western SMT, what goes around, comes around. What am I on about?. Suggestions in private messages only, my wife is very protective of my Public Persona.
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