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Old 8th January 2009, 22:18
Energumen Energumen is offline  
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 267
Totally agree with all that, it was an observation on the panic buying, not a criticism.
It is one thing to share what you have. It is totally different position to have nothing of or for your own.
I would take reasonable steps to have some sort of extra buffer, and have done previously. In fact on a day by day, week by week basis, we always have stocks of longer life foodstuffs, clean empty containers for storing water, a generator, with some fuel, candles, torches, batteries, etc. etc. etc. It is no more than is prudent, the foods are rotated by first in first used natural rotation and it is better to have contingency arrangements in ones family life, than to go under at the first crisis.

Here endeth. for now
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