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Old 23rd December 2008, 16:42
deckboypeggy deckboypeggy is offline  
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: littlehampton
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by davepenn54 View Post
Well this was a real difficult one but for me the DAF 2800/3300 series was my favourite maybe because I spent a lot of years driving and living in them.

The only others in the poll list that I really didn't have much driving experience with where Atki's & Ivecos although drove Seddon's & Sed/Atks; and pre-Iveco Fords.

The Scania 2/3 series where and still are the best range they have produced, the Mercedes SK series where a great solid tough motor but you had to keep the V6/8's spinning to keep the speed up just when we were being told to let yer engines 'lug down'

Always loved the Cummins, Fuller, Rockwell set up whetever motor it was in
The 22/321 series MANS were also a solid dependable lorry easy to drive and even in standard sleeper cab form was easy to drive and live in
Always loved Volvo's as well have driven almost all offerings from the F86 through to some of the first FH's

Just realised how many different type's of lorry I've driven over the years but for me it has got to be the DAF's.

Can't really comment on some of the newer motors as I haven't been driving for the last 10yrs They all look great and I'm sure they're easy to drive but they seem to have lost character and quirkiness that the independant maker's used to have.
Dave Penn;
HI DAVE,deckboy peggy here you sound like me as if you miss up the road i know i do i have just got back fro 3 weeks in aussie wow they have got it right with all their style of american lorries it was a plusure just to watch them they are still on log books. how good is that.catch you later time to park more laybys. D.B.P
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