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Old 29th April 2018, 22:33
G-CPTN G-CPTN is offline  
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rd6 has cracked it - the seemingly 'veteran' Lacre of 1919 was produced until 1935:- s&chips=q:lacre+lorries,online_chips:lacre+motor&s a=X&ved=0ahUKEwigop3EteDaAhXmCMAKHXIWCvEQ4lYIJygB& biw=1028&bih=480&dpr=1.25#imgrc=_

I'm not suggesting any specific model, but some of the early designs were produced in unaltered appearance for a couple of decades, so the featured vehicle might seem older than it actually was.

Last edited by G-CPTN; 29th April 2018 at 22:39.
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