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G-CPTN 23rd June 2012 23:25

I enjoy reading news about sightings of specific models of vehicles (as well as seeing photographs).

I don't travel as much as those who are regularly 'working' as transport, but I wish I had a camera capable of catching images of vehicles that I see when I am driving.

Even though I carry a camera when I am out walking, it's sometimes in my bag and I miss many of the 'interesting' vehicles that suddenly appear. By the time I get the camera out they are usually too close (or have passed by).

coastie 24th June 2012 00:28

The only digital camera I have is on my phone and by the time I've opened up the camera mode, if it's not stationary, whatever it is that I want to photograph has passed!

deckboypeggy 27th June 2012 11:19

reply to alll comments
GENTELMEN,Having spent from1967 to 2004,driving all types of lorries [trucks ], in the uk.. in Europe from 1980 to2001[ not middle east.] i am entiled to my opinon and belive me, no one,not no one ever took photos or commented and who or what they saw during their working day ,no one was intrested we all had our own work to do. some comments sound like train spotters,they never worked within the industry.DRIVING.IF the senior members like myself were driving within the years i was they would know what s... we had to put up with.belive me if anyone came found a lorry park taking photos etc he would soon have got the bums rush.. ie he could have been ministry..

hilifta 27th June 2012 12:47

I started this thread and I am very sad to see the direction it has taken.
All of us on here are a little bit "weird", and I say that in the nicest possible way, and that is why we banter away about the trivialities that we see and talk about.
But "deckpeggy", why are you so "anti". Not one suggests you are are not entitled to your opinion, of course you are. But you don't have to be so abrasive.
You have stated how long you drove trucks etc and people like us were just a pain in the backside. I don't doubt you, but why bring that aggro on here.

I'd like to make a suggestion to you, with all your wealth of knowledge and stories to tell why not do something positive and tell us about them, have a laugh.
That is what will make this site rich.
I have recently bought two books on Middle East trucking and they make fantastic reads, so give us some of your stories.
Finally, with a handle like deckpeggy I know you've been to sea, well so have I, and I know the utter rubbish that is talked about in ship messrooms and bars when we have all been at sea for days and the only company is fellow crew. That's life, and so is what we talk about on here.
So join in, chill out, and have some light fun.

Have a good one.

robertdavey6 27th June 2012 20:20

In reply to deckboypeggy's objection to my survey of ERF's and Fodens, can I just make a few points?
1) At no time have I ever claimed to be an owner/driver. In fact, throughout the Forum, I have made numerous mentions of my boss. Whilst I doubt he is making a fortune (who, in general haulage, is?) I don't think we can be running at a loss, either.
2) The work I mentioned was only two days (out of five). Not three.
3) I have been driving since January, 1978 and am still doing so, 34 years later. I also have driven through large parts of Europe and a very small part of Western Australia.
In that time, I have been photographed quite a few times. Especially, when I was driving an ex-Stobart vehicle. I have also taken quite a number of photographs. Several of which appear on this very forum. I have never had a problem with drivers objecting! Nor, have I ever objected when someone took mine. Indeed, I have moved it to a better position for them.
4) Anyone running legally has nothing to fear from the Ministry. They are only really interested in people running bent, overloaded or badly maintained trucks. I don't think I've ever seen one running around with a camera before they stopped a vehicle. Unless, you count the ANPR cameras, in the VOSA cars, nowadays. They may take pictures, if the find something wrong, to use as evidence.
5) I know quite a lot of drivers who talk about what they have and haven't seen, during the working day.

I'm sorry if you didn't like my survey but, as some of the others have said "If you don't like it, don't read it." It certainly wasn't aimed at you or intended to waste your obviously precious time. It was intended as a comment on the demise, in this country, of "proper" British trucks/lorries/wagons. Some other forum members appeared to find it interesting.

deckboypeggy 28th June 2012 20:53

OK,good luck to you all and[ I] will go an see shrink.

taffyjones 30th March 2013 13:39

Those were the days when all the trucks on the road was made in britain. The wonderfull Atki, Commer ts3, Bedford, Foden ect. I used to enjoy myself watching them up and down the roads as a boy. Does any body have some nice pics from yesteryear.

G-CPTN 30th March 2013 14:27


Originally Posted by taffyjones (Post 13592)
Does any body have some nice pics from yesteryear.

There are quite a few on here:-

Dig deep!

Dingbat 2nd April 2013 21:01

Someone seems to have got out of the wrong side of bed on the 27 June 2012.:confused:

robertdavey6(mobile) 3rd April 2013 03:09

Didn't he just?

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