Thread: hi there
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Old 27th May 2013, 18:12
coachman coachman is offline  
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Worthing
Posts: 146
Not sure if you are saying that your only problem is with bleeding the clutch ? But if it is try reverse bleeding, to do this clean out a pump action oil can and fill it with the hydraulic fluid that you are using to bleed the clutch with. Next connect a piece of hose that will be a tight fit over the spout of the oil can and the bleed nipple of the clutch slave cylinder. Open the bleed screw and take the top off the reservoir and pump away with the lever on the oil can, this forces any air out of the system, when you have a good clear flow of fluid without any bubbles in the reservoir close the bleed nipple and try clutch, you might have to do this a couple of times to clear any air from the system. Hope this makes sense, but it's easy do but hard to explain, one last thing don't let the oil can run out of fluid or you will have to start all over again.
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