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hilifta 15th October 2012 14:17

Hilifta's Travels
Hi Guys,
Just a brief summary of what I’ve been up to on my latest Bathurst Odyssey.
I decided to leave Sydney on Sunday after arriving on Sat morning and head for Dubbo.
Dubbo is 400kms west of Sydney and is the easternmost point that roadtrains can travel. As I had never seen a roadtrain, I thought, “lets go”.
But the trip was also a “Mooch”, I intended to arrive back at Bathurst on Tues pm and wanted to just look and see and photograph anything that just appeared along the way.
Just beyond Molong I came across 50 or 60 old Melbourne suburban trains parked on a hillside, along with one Melbourne “Z” class tram and several old Sydney double deck carriages.
As I came to a stop some old trucks appeared, plus a DC3 aircraft.
All this in the middle of nowhere.
As I turned into the property some very ‘orrible, very large dogs appeared, on very long chains, so I did not get out of my camper!!!.
I backtracked up to the house nearby and located the owner. Initially he was very sus, but eventually he accepted that I was just a photographer with an interest in trucks and allowed me access to shoot what I wanted.
I was gobsmacked at what was there, and all the old British Austins!.
I spent around 2 and a half hours there shooting all I could see.
He has asked that I do not ID exactly where it all is, but frankly it is hard to miss so many trains in the middle of the country side.
He also has 5 DC3’s at a private landing strip nearby, one of which I have flown on, which I was able to see and photograph.
It was a magic few hours, and it was only day one!!!
I arrived at Dubbo around 2pm and duly went to the roadtrain staging area as described by Joe. However it was only then I discovered that only two trailer roadtrains are allowed into Dubbo, the three and four trailer rigs have to stop at Bourke or Cobar..
However I did see a few and it was very interesting to talk to the drivers. One rig arrived from Darwin heading back to Sydney. He had done 8370km’s in 5days, Syd/Dar/Syd, driving 2 up, 6 on, 6 off. One day off in Darwin, then 2 days off in Syd, b4 starting it all over again.
Another rig arrived from Perth, 40hrs after leaving, 8 hrs to Sydney still to go, 3000 plus k’s so far.
What I did not know was Dubbo is actually the crossroads for the Mitchell Highway from Sydney to Perth and Darwin, but also the Newell Highway and all the rigs heading from Melbourne to Brisbane and vice versa.
Despite no local info I was lucky enough to fluke a good spot to shoot these rigs. You’ll see them, over the next few weeks.
It is truly a great city for truck photography, and Joe, shame we didn’t hook up, I was where I said, for two and half days,... but still got some great shots.
After Dubbo, I headed back to Bathurst and copped all the usual shots. While passing through Orange I had a look at Ron Finnemore’s brand new depot, very very impressive.
I returned to Sydney after Bathurst, via the Bells Line of Road and managed to get some great oldies hidden in the bush along the way.
I promised to avoid Foreshore drive, but had a few hours to kill prior to handing the camper back, so I’ll end with a few from there also. The camper van depot was only 4k’s away!!!.
Never let a chance go by my friend!!!.
3331 photos in total, 1533 truck shots.
Some great wildlife scenes as well. The crow and the kookaburra having a stoush, and, best of all, a wedgetail eagle, magic,... and snakes galore. Oribble things.


robertdavey6 15th October 2012 14:36

3331 piccygraphs!!!!!!!!!!!! At 36 to a roll, think what that would have cost, if you were still using film!!!!!
A quick guesstimate is 100 rolls at £4.40 or, over £400. That's just to buy the filmstock.
Then, there is the D&P on top of that.:eek::eek::eek::(:mad:

hilifta 15th October 2012 20:11

Hey Rob, isn't that why we now take so many shots, no cost.
I know I save a bomb each year at Bathurst.

G-CPTN 15th October 2012 21:07


Originally Posted by hilifta (Post 13071)
I know I save a bomb each year at Bathurst.

Keep check how much you save and then you can splash out on something for yourself.

That's what my brother's first wife reckoned.

She would make lots of clothes for the kids then work out how much she had 'saved' (if she had bought them in shops) and then reward herself by spending that amount on herself.

She never did understand why she never had any money left for food for the family (having saved so much!)

Fazer9553 15th October 2012 21:22

Sounds like an interesting trip. Take it you were alone for this? If you were, then possibly that is the best way ... no negotiation necessary.

G-CPTN 17th October 2012 20:17

Any explanation for this collection of vehicles in this location?

If there are rail vehicles it would suggest that there is a rail connection, so was it a marshalling yard that was abandoned (with carriages left behind)?

Does the owner of the land imagine that the road vehicles will constitute an investment? - or is it merely somewhere for owners to dump their vehicles (maybe in return for a payment)?

Does there seem to be any attempt to supply parts from this collection? Were any of the vehicles for sale?

Where do the aircraft come into the picture? Presumably they were flown in, so although you mention a hill, there must be an area of level land for the airstrips?

It certainly sounds like a fascinating find and something of an Aladdin's Cave for folks like us.

As you suggest, it must be visible from the main highway - but did you have to drive far to reach it?

hilifta 18th October 2012 08:19

To Andrew and GC.
Andrew; Yes I was by myself, you NEVER take a female to Bathurst. They get bored after half a day, and you are there for the week.
NOT a good recipe!!!!.
This whole site was really quite bizzare. It must have cost and arm and many legs to transport all these trains from Melbourne. Ralph told me the trains were owned by a "mate", who had plans for them in Sydney. Goodness know what as, 50 or 60 of them!. Later he told me lots of people buy them for baches, addition and fishing cribs.
He told me that he has fully restored 8 Macks that "are locked up in a mate's barn", and he is now "over" the restoration bit. No idea where this barn is, and there was no offer to show me. My feeling is it is all bought on "spec", in the hope that someone will come along and buy items.. As some have noted most tyres were inflated and Ralph told me that they will all run, with the help of a battery.
He obviously has been hit with people pinching things like badges etc which is why he was initially a bit "sus" with me.
I can hardy blame him.
The aircraft were another story, I will not disclose exactly where they are, one is at the junkyard, right alongside the road, one is still at Bankstown airfield in Sydney. The remaining 5, 4xDC3's and 1 DH Heron, are at an airfield he has constructed.
Again, I struggle with the ecomonics of this. They could not come over the Blue Mountains from Bankstown, but had to come via Newcastle and Dubbo, a huge roundabout route, at some considerable cost.
What he intends to do with them I have no idea. One has just had a "C" check and all are all in quite good nick. He has just had 2 engines landed from the US for the Bankstown machine and I assume it will be then flown to the airfield.
You ask, are they (trucks and planes) for sale. I'd imagine "yes", at the right price.
If you drive from Syd to Dubbo, you can't help but see it all, but please don't just enter the property, (the dogs will get you!!), go to the house and ask permission. I found Ralph to be very helpful once he sused you out.
Believe me it will be worth your effort to get him onside, it is a fantastic place and he is a nice guy.
I just wish I had won Lotto and could to rescue some of those trucks.

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