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digger73 15th September 2008 02:07

Hello one and all, Good morning From Panabo Davao Philippines
Hello, I am Gerald nickname (Digger),

I am an Expat Bus/Truck driver now retired living in the Philippines. I have been here since 1995 with a couple of visits to the UK just to sort out my financial bits and bobs.

My mate Billyboy and I have been friends since 1971, so we have a little bit of history between us, plus a few shared experiences that will no doubt over time be revealed.

For now this is Hello and welcome from me here in the Philippines which is now my home. I will post some pics shortly and add a little of there history too.

Regards to all Gerald (Digger)

Ian 15th September 2008 08:09

Hi Digger and welcome to the forum, any friend of Billyboy is a friend of ours :D


billyboy 15th September 2008 10:27

welcome Digger, enjoy the site. fell free to post in as many threads as possible to help build this nice new site up.

(your not going to tell them about that time when we......Nah surely not)

Ian 15th September 2008 10:33

Go on tellus Digger tellus tellus


billyboy 15th September 2008 10:43

Hey Digger...tell em how much you love Mercedes Artics mate...LOL
Put it on the drivers thread though

digger73 16th September 2008 03:06

Weel now maa wee scottish laddie ah cud tell a wee tale or two but it wudni be cricket now wud it HaHaHaHa. Have a good day Bill.

billyboy 16th September 2008 03:20

och awa an tell em aboot yon wheel studs ye had break on ye. An whit aboot yon chineese six eh. all tales the guys want to hear old chap!

digger73 16th September 2008 03:27

Mercedes?? Well what does one say about them??? except "S####T I am a Leyland, Daf, Volvo, Man, driver. Mercedes+40 Foot Curtain sider + Melamine Chipboard, almost brought about my demise. The whoe issue rolled at 40 miles an hour on a shallow bend, approaching Bolham on the way from South Molton in north Devon to Tiverton via, A361 to Bolham and on to London.

I was pretty beat up after the accident. My Daughter was with me and as luck would have it she was in the bunk when it happened. I was thrown out of the cab, and suffered 3 broken ribs, a punctured right lung, Broken pelvis, and a cracked right cheekbone, plus cuts and bruises, Shona my daughter was ok just shookn up. It was only because of her that I survived. Because in the dark she went onto the main road and flagged down a passing motorist and got the emergency services, Shona was just 12yrs old.

But I remember much better times before that with better trucks.

digger73 16th September 2008 03:29

I was out of action for almost a year after the accident but as soon as the Doctor cleared me I was back at the wheel of an artic, and no bad vibes all was well.

digger73 16th September 2008 03:31

Now then Ian you wouldn't want me to tell stories about my old mate out of school would you, shame on you.

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